Research Databases: N
New York Times OnlineAt the library, sign in or create an account HERE.* * You must either create a free account, log in to an existing account, or log in with your Facebook or Google credentials.
Newspaper SourceSelected full text for nearly 30 national (U.S.) and international newspapers 200 regional newspapers, plus television & radio news transcripts. |
Northstar Digital LiteracyNorthstar Digital Literacy is a self-directed assessment and learning tool that covers a variety of technology scenarios for anyone looking to improve their skills with computers, software, or technology. It comes complete with short lessons and practice exercises to improve skills on a number of common computer topics. |
NoveListBook, series, and author information, reviews, read-a-likes, and much more for thousands fiction titles. |
NoveList K-8Database of young adult, children's and easy titles with a student-focused interface, designed for PreK through Middle School ages |