Mushing with Noggin: Alaskan Sled Dog Adventures

  Dates & times
  • Sat, 06/08/2024 - 2:00pm
  Category Living Well
  Age Groups All ages/special, Adult, Children, Teen, Early literacy


Alaskan Sled Dog Adventures for All Ages

Start time: 2 PM – Duration: 1 to 1 ½ hours

Location: Wright Library’s Community Room

Registration Required. Register

Alaskan Husky sled dog resting comfortably in a dog bed in front of a dog sled

MUSH! with Noggin, the Alaskan Sled Dog (and her human)!

What does it feel like to ride the runners behind a team of dogs, steering a loaded sled through mountainous terrain, crossing the vast Alaskan tundra, hugging the shoreline of the great Bering Sea? What does it take to care for a team of Alaskan huskies? Could my dog be a sled dog, too? Musher, Karen Land, will answer these questions and more in this exciting, interactive presentation for all ages.

Program made possible with a generous grant from the Wright Library Foundation.

About the Presenter

Karen Land is a writer, public speaker, and three-time participant in the 1000-mile Iditarod Trail Sled Dog Race as well as many other sprint and endurance races in Alaska, Canada, Montana, Idaho, Wyoming, and Maine. Since 2000, Land has traveled to nearly every state with her Iditarod dog sled, mushing gear, Arctic clothing, and beloved dogs, giving over a thousand school and public library presentations. For more info, please visit